08 April 2013

Vita Chapel, Liverpool - Update

Vita Chapel, Liverpool.  The conversion of the Grade II Listed former Weslyan Chapel, latterly Civic Juvenile Courts Building, sees all the student units fully sold out.  We are now six months into the build programme, with six months to go until student occupancy in September 2013.  The existing building structure has now been gutted to retain the grade listed facades and the floor levels designed and reset to maximise floor space.


Organised Chaos: Looking from the Preston Street rear gable end to the Crosshall Street front gable end.  The Phase 1 structural frame (Grey) manufactured by TWF Fabrications of Preston, Lancashire slotted neatly within the existing 19th Century Weslyan Chapel structure, supported by birdcage facade retention system (orange).

Looking from the Preston Street rear gable end to the Crosshall Street front gable end.  To the Right hand side of the photo is the 24 metres high adjoining wall of the 19th Century Crosshall Building (Phase 2 conversion due for September 2014).

As above, but with the third structural bay (stair core) now added.  The pre-cast stair units and metal deck flooring progressing.